Bharti Singh On Working Mom: Comedian Bharti Singh and her husband Harsh Limbachiyaa who welcomed their son Laksshya in April. Bharti resumed work within two weeks of her baby’s arrival, fulfilling her prior work commitments. In a new interview, she said it doesn’t make her feel guilty to leave her newborn at home for work.
While some people are praising Bharti’s dedication to her work, many are questioning her decision. Recently Bharti revealed how she ensures her child’s safety at home through the cameras installed in her house. He also praised his family, staff and Harsh’s family who often support him in taking care of the child.
Talking to ETimes Bharti said, “My child is not alone at home. My family, two assistants, Harsh’s family, my niece are around to support me and I also have a camera at home to check them out. Currently, she is in safe hands, so I don’t feel anxious or guilty about leaving her at home.”
Bharti also said that she believes that if she does not work then she will not have money to provide her son with the best things at home. He said, “I also feel that if I had not worked or earned money, we could not have provided such facilities at home. And this time I am hosting a show alone, so Harsh is around to check it out.”
Let us tell you that Bharti and Harsh got married in the year 2017. She announced the news of her pregnancy on social media last year. Bharti will be seen as a host in Zee TV’s reality show ‘Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Li’l Champs’. It will air in September.
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