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Between the problems of office and home, if you want mental peace, then do these 4 yogasanas daily.

Yoga Day 2023: Yoga is most important for physical and mental health. Practicing yoga daily makes you strong. That is why we are advised to make Yoga a part of our daily routine. There are some yogas which increase our concentration and give mental peace. This is the reason why yoga is considered very beneficial for the mind. Today we are going to tell you about 4 such yogasanas, by doing which your mind will become sharp and you will also get mental peace.

4 yoga poses to sharpen the mind

Padmasana (Padmasana)

1. First of all sit straight.

2. Now place the left foot on the right foot and pull it towards the hips.

3. Keep your hands on your knees and close your eyes and take a long breath.

4. The palms have to be kept upwards on the knees.

5. After staying in this position for some time, repeat the Yogasana with the other leg.

Dhanurasana (Dhanurasana)

1. First lie down on your stomach.

2. Lying upside down, raise the legs upwards and bring them towards the back.

3. Rotate the hands backwards and hold the soles.

4. Breathe in slowly by turning the head upwards and release it.

5. For as long as possible, keep the legs and hands raised in this asana.

6. Daily practice of this easy makes both body and mind strong.

Chakrasana (Chakrasana)

1. First of all, lie down on your back and bend your legs and hands and rise upwards.

2. Note that the body has to be brought in the arch position only.

3. During this, the mouth will remain towards the ceiling and keep on breathing slowly.

4. Keep balance of the body in this position.

5. This yoga asana is very helpful in calming the mind and increasing concentration.


Pranayama is considered best for making the mind sharp. With this yogasana, your memory improves and the mind remains calm. It is considered very good for the brain. You can do Pranayama like Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari or Kapalbhati. Yoga like Paschimottanasana, Balasana, Shirshasana and Vrikshasana are also considered good for the brain. Self-confidence increases by doing these.

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