Team India opener Shikhar Dhawan has shared an emotional post on Instagram. In this post, he is seen caressing his son Zoravar in his own style. Actually, he is meeting Zoravar after two full years. He had not been able to meet his son long before he got divorced from wife Ayesha last year.
Dhawan is seen harassing his son in this video. He has given the caption with this video post, ‘Two years have passed since I met my son. Playing with him, hugging him, talking… these are very emotional moments. These are some such moments, which will be remembered forever.
Dhawan’s son Zoravar has been in Australia since the year 2020. Due to strict Kovid rules in Australia, Dhawan was unable to meet his son. Zoravar along with his sister Aaliya reached India to meet his father.
9 years long relationship broke last year
Shikhar Dhawan married Ayesha Mukherjee in October 2012. Zoravar was born in the year 2014. After 9 years, this relationship broke up last year. Shikhar and Ayesha decide to part their ways. Son Zoravar lives in Melbourne with his mother.
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