Saif Ali Khan Attack : Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife at around 2:30 pm on Wednesday night. He is undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital. He suffered injuries on his head, hands, neck and back. According to reports, the actor has undergone surgery. Doctors say that his condition remains stable.
Saif’s team said in an official statement that an attempt of theft has been made in his house. The first attack took place on an employee working in the house. Hearing the sound, Saif came out of his room and the attackers attacked him. At present the police is investigating the matter.
Doctors who performed surgery on Saif Ali Khan
Saif Ali Khan has undergone surgery in Lilavati Hospital. Doctor Leena and Doctor Nitin Dange are treating him. A statement regarding this has also come out from the hospital. Lilavati Hospital CEO Neeraj Uttamani said, ‘The actor was brought at 3:30 in the morning. He got injured at 6 places. Two of these injuries are quite deep. One injury is very close to his spinal cord. They are operating on him. Neurosurgeon Nitin Dange, cosmetic surgeon Leena Jain and anesthetist Nisha Gandhi are performing his surgery. Only after surgery will we be able to tell how big an injury this is.
Saif tried to catch the thief
On this whole matter, DCP Dixit Gedam of Mumbai Police Zone 9 said that ‘Saif Ali lives in Fortune Heights of Khar. Late on Wednesday night, an unknown person entered their house and started arguing with their maid. When the actor heard the noise, he came out of the room and tried to calm her down, but she attacked him. The matter is still under investigation.
Also read: How dangerous is a knife attack for the nerves in the neck, what could be the problem?
what is the whole matter
According to media reports, an attempt to steal was made in Saif’s house. While stopping the thief, there was a scuffle between the actor and him and he got injured. After this the attacker ran away from there. The attack took place at his Bandra house. When the thief entered the house, some people woke up from their sleep and started making noise. Just then the actor woke up and came out. After some argument the thief attacked them. With the help of house help, he was taken to the hospital.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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